On Monday 17 May 2021, we are delighted to welcome Chris Millington (MMU) and Sarah Gensburger (CNRS) to discuss their prepared papers below.
If the word ‘terrorism’ immediately conjures specific images. Looking beyond these connotations which spring up in the social imagination, the seminar invites two scholars who approach the topic of terrorism from different perspectives and periods. In this session chaired by Dr Ludivine Broch (Westminster), Millington and Gensburger explore lesser known histories and memories of terrorism in France in the 20th and 21st centuries through their cutting-edge research.
Here you can watch some prepared papers from our speakers in advance:
Chris Millington (MMU) ‘Murder in Marseille: Imagining terrorism after the 1934 assassination of King Alexander I of Yugoslavia’
Sarah Gensburger (CNRS) ‘From grassroots memory to national heritage : remembering November 13 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris’
Then, on 17 May 2021, you can join us for a live Q&A discussion