Chronicling the War, Re-imagining French-ness: Memoirs of the French external Resistance


Chronicling the War, Re-imagining French-ness:

Memoirs of the French external Resistance

Friday 14 June 2019, 09:30 – 18:00

The University of Manchester, Sam Alexander building, Room A115, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL

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Location: Sam Alexander building, Room A115

9.30 – 10.00 Tea & Coffee

10.00 – 10.30. Welcome & Introduction by Frances Houghton (University of Manchester)

10.30 – 12.45 ASMCF panel

Chair: Hanna Diamond (Cardiff University)

– Diane de Vignemont (University of Oxford) ‘“Rochambelle j’étais, Rochambelle je suis demeurée”: The Memoirs of the Rochambelles as Historical Sources.’

– Iain Stewart (UCL) ‘The French Press in Wartime Britain: from the politics of Exile to Inter-Allied Relations’.

– Nina Wardleworth (University of Leeds) ‘Raymonde Jore’s autobiography: Racism, Patriotism and a colonial travelogue’.

– Eva Réthoré (Université de Lille) ‘Victor Serge and the Second World War; world without escape’.

12.45 – 13.30 Lunch

13.30 – 15.30 Second Panel

Chair: Dr Alexia Yates

– Raphaele Balu (Université de Caen): ‘Escaping exile to come back to occupied France: a twofold uprooting?’

– Brian Sudlow (Aston University): ‘Distant war, fading memories and La Maison de notre jeunesse: Georges Bernanos as a writer of the external resistance, 1938-1949′.

– Valerie Deacon (NYU Shanghai) ‘A family affair: writing the history of the Saint-Jacques network from England and France’.

15.30-16.00: Concluding remarks by Penny Summerfield (University of Manchester)

Chair: Laure Humbert (University of Manchester)

16.00 – 16.15 Tea & Coffee

16.15 – 18.00 Keynote speaker: Guillaume Piketty (Sciences Po Paris):“The madonnas of exile: reflections on the emotional life of French external resisters”.

Chair: Charlotte Faucher (University of Manchester)

The workshop is generously funded by the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, the Society for the Study of French History and the Society for French Studies.


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