Date & Place: Monday 23 January, Pollard Room, IHR, North block, Senate House
Speaker: Alex Fairfax-Cholmeley (University of Exeter)
Paper Title: Reliving the Terror: print culture, revolutionary history, divided communities during the later 1790s

Alex Fairfax-Cholmeley came to the IHR recently to give a riveting paper on the impact of the 1793-94 Terror on the ‘late 1790s’. Fairfax-Cholmeley has examined the print culture of the time and traced the long-lasting effects of the Terror beyond Paris, showing the cultural, legal and social ramifications of the Terror in the provinces. From denunciations to trials, he shows how transitional justice was interpreted and carried out across France, giving us a fresh perspective on the aftermath of terror, as well as a handy political ‘map’ of the time.
Click HERE to listen to an mp3 recording of the paper (right click to save).