SSFH Conference Code of Conduct

From its inception, SSFH has prided itself on providing a welcoming and supportive conference environment for scholars of all career-stages to engage in academic debate and networking. In this spirit, and with a continuing commitment to promoting equality and diversity in the conduct of our business, please take note of the following code of conduct to be observed at SSFH conferences and sponsored events:

  1. All participants are to be treated with respect, and as entitled both to a hearing for their views, and to feel secure in the conference environment.

Conference hashtag: #ssfh2024

Sunday, June 30 – Business meetings and Welcome Reception

15.00 – 17.00  SSFH Committee meeting – Ellen Wilkinson Building

18.00 – 19.00  PGR Welcome – Whitworth Art Gallery

19.00 – 21.30  Welcome Reception, Whitworth Art Gallery

Monday, July 1 – Day One of Panels

8.30 – 17.00     Registration – Roscoe Building Foyer

9.00 – 10.15     Plenary address: Jérémie Foa (Aix-Marseille Université), ‘Nous ne tenons aux autres que par la parole.Mensonge et conscience de soi dans la France des guerres de Religion’

Chair: Bertrand Taithe.  Samuel Alexander Lecture Theatre

10.15 – 10.30 Coffee Break – Roscoe foyer

10.30 – 12.00 Concurrent panels, Session A

Roscoe 1.001 Roscoe 1.003Roscoe 1.007Roscoe 2.10  
 A1. Grief, Trauma and Faith in early Modern France Chair: Stuart Jones (Manchester)A2. Gender, Political Activism and Intimate Friendships Chair: Laure Humbert (Manchester)A3. Wartime Intimacies: Senses, Emotions and Memory in Twentieth-century France Chair: Guillaume Piketty (Sciences Po Paris)A4. Space and Authority in the Longue Durée Chair: Alexia Yates (Manchester)
Tom Joashi (Cambridge)   Spatial intimacy and religious violence: Huguenot conventicles and the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (1555-1572)Máire Cross (Newcastle)   The self-making of a transnational activist: the case of Marie-Louise Puech-Milhau (1876-1966)Chris Millington (Manchester Metropolitan)   ‘Dear parents, I am still in good health’: (Re)constructing the experience of a French POWJulia Viallon (Aix-Marseille)   Intimité, pouvoir et espaces partagés. La mise en œuvre de la domination sociale par appropriation des espaces communs (Marseille, XVIIIe siècle).
Camille Hamon (ENS)   Autour de la mort d’Anne de Joyeuse : l’expression du deuil dans les 
correspondances à la fin du XVIe siècle
Blanche Plaquevent (INED)   Looking for intimacies in the history of Third-Worldism and political travelsLudivine Broch (Westminster)   Francesco Nitti and the ‘Train Fantôme’: Intimacy, Senses and the Body in the Second World War’Stuart Carroll (York)   Intimate Enemies: Ego Documents and Identity in Early Modern France
Mita Choudhury (Vassar)   Reading the Unwritten: Trauma, Faith, and Clerical Sexual Violence in Early Modern FranceIrène Gimenez (Paris-Est Créteil) and Claire-Lise Gaillard (INED) (*online)   Amies: des intimités à la marge ? Penser le genre des amitiés dans le continuum des intimités relationnelles (France XXe siècle)Alison Carrol (Brunel)   ‘Rumours of a Tunnel’. Invasion anxieties, hopes and fears about a Channel tunnel during the Second World WarWill Pooley (Bristol) and Tom Hamilton (Durham) (*online)   Mapping Witchcraft in France, from the Wars of Religion to World War Two  

12.00 – 13.00 Catered Lunch – Roscoe Foyer

13.00 – 14.15 Plenary address: Julie Hardwick (University of Texas at Austin), ‘A fireplace poker and a branding iron: an intimate history of racial capitalism in an eighteenth-century French port city.’

Chair: Alexia Yates, Samuel Alexander Lecture Theatre

14.15 – 14.30 Coffee Break – Roscoe Foyer

14.30 – 16.15  Concurrent panels, Session B

Roscoe 1.001 Roscoe 1.003Roscoe 1.007Roscoe 2.10
B1. Revolutionary intimacy   Chair: Chris Millington (Manchester Met)  B2. Captivity, imprisonment & intimacy Chair: Ludivine Broch (Westminster)B3. Martial intimacies     Chair: Ana Carden Coyne (Manchester)B4. Gender and performance   Chair: Alexia Yates (Manchester)
Dave Andress (Portsmouth)   Intimate Convictions and Terrible Distrust – what does the introduction of jury-trial in revolutionary France tell us about the politics of democratising change?Quentin Arifon (Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne)   Un ménage en prison. Les époux Mayoux, instituteurs pacifistes face à la guerre, et leurs enfants (1917-1919)Julia Osman (Mississippi State)   From La Rose to JoliCoeur: The Contradicting Multitudes of the French Soldier, 1648-1714Jessica L. Fripp  (Texas Christian University)   Age and Beauty in Eighteenth-Century Parisian Theater  
Michaela Kalcher  (Oxford)   Intimate histories? Exploring subjectivity and grief in diaries from the French RevolutionGuillaume Piketty (Sciences Po Paris)   Intimate life in a Nazi concentration camp: from survival to resistance to historyAnastasia Tsagkaraki  (NKUA, Greece)   Questing one’s identity through the autobiographical writing. The journal intime of a Greek-French officer from the Ionian IslandsPierre-Louis Poyau (Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne)   Le rôle de la fleur coupée dans la construction du genre à Paris au XIXe siècle  
Leon Hughes (TCD)   ‘Avec Douceur et Humanité’: Living the Carceral, Prison Concierges during the French Revolution, 1789-1795.Alexandre Millet (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour in France (UPPA)   « Dans l’intimité des histoires familiales d’anciens PGF du Stalag 325 de Rawa-Ruska : facteurs d’appropriation, de remémoration et de transmission de la mémoire de l’expérience captive »Alexander Summers (Strathclyde)   ‘A crisis of martial identity’: the memories and identities of former members of the Garde Mobile Nationale in post Franco-Prussian war memoirs  Nancy Bruseker (Independent scholar)   Riding the Carrousel: transfeminine identities in postwar France
Samantha Wesner (Toronto)   Intimacy and the City: Urban Life and Revolutionary Culture in Paris    Ryan Hilliard (Clemson)   Queering the Singlewoman: Female Intimacy, Chosen Kinship, and Domestic Life in Eighteenth-Century Paris  

16.15 – 16.45  Coffee break – Roscoe Foyer

PGRs are invited to meet one another in a dedicated meeting space, Roscoe 2.8

16.45 – 18.15  Concurrent panels, Session C

Roscoe 1.001 Roscoe 1.003Roscoe 1.007Roscoe 2.10
C1. Representing the Self in Early Modern French Commerce Chair: Julie Hardwick (Austin)C2. Race and intimacy     Chair: Ludivine Broch (Westminster)C3. Intimate Politics     Chair: Alison Carrol (Brunel)C4. Medicine, Science and intimacy   Chair: Laure Humbert (Manchester)
Tessa de Boer (Leiden) Pretentious, moi? Mercantile aspirations towards and away from early modern French subjecthoodYuval Tal (Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem) Fusing Mediterranean Bodies and French Minds: Eugenics and Republican Assimilation in Colonial AlgeriaQuentin Gasteuil (ENS Paris Saclay)  Le politique saisi par le couple: une exploration de la correspondance entre Marthe et Louis Lévy (1918-1952)Claire Barillé  (Lille)   Intimité féminine et pouvoir médical : protestations et silences des patientes (Paris, Londres, Bruxelles, 1850-1950
Elisabeth Heijmans (Antwerp) Female Overseas Merchants’ Self-Representations in the Eighteenth-Century French AtlanticMartin Evans (Sussex) Intimacy, Post-Colonial Reckoning, Anti-Colonial Solidarities: The Meknes Anti-French Violence in October 1956Andrew Smith (QMUL) “I am taking possession of France”: The Larzac Struggle and the Kanak Struggle for Independence in New Caledonia (1970 – now)Sasha Rasmussen (Nottingham) La Sorbonne et La Salpêtrière: The Intimate History of a Russian Student in Paris, 1900.
Lewis Wade (Leiden) Both alike in Indignity? Conflict, Family and Self-Fashioning in Early Modern Constantinople    Federico Dotti (Geneva)/Levon Pedrazzini (Lausanne)   Le carnet de poche de Monsieur M.

18.30   Conference gala dinner, Manchester Museum, Living Worlds Gallery (by registration)

July 2 – Day Two of panels

8.30 – 12.00     Registration – Roscoe Foyer

9.00 – 10.30 – Plenary Roundtable: The legacy of Natalie Zemon Davis – appreciation and

assessment. Chair – Sara Barker (University of Leeds)

Speakers:  Penny Roberts (University of Warwick), Charles Walton (University of Warwick), Jérémie Foa (Université d’Aix-Marseille), Will Pooley (University of Bristol).

Samuel Alexander Lecture Theatre.

10.30 – 10.45  Coffee – Roscoe Foyer

10.45 – 12.15  Concurrent panels, Session D

Roscoe 1.001 Roscoe 1.003Roscoe 1.007Roscoe 2.10
D1. Making Vichy, from Bodies to Networks Chair: Laure Humbert (Manchester)D2. Intimacy in Early Modern France   Chair: Jérémie Foa (Aix-Marseille Université)D3. The intimate life of artistic production   Chair: Ludivine Broch (Westminster)D4. Personality and Popular Politics in the 19th century Chair: Stuart Jones (Manchester)
Luc Andre Brunet (Open Univ) Vichy France and South America during the Second World War    Marie-Anne Pepe (Nice Côte d’Azur) Quelles archives de l’intime pour une histoire de la vie privée publique au XVIIIe siècle?David Gilks (UEA) An intimate history of Quatremère de QuincyAlexandra Paulin-Booth (Humboldt, Berlin) Letters of the League: intimacy and right-wing political engagement in Third Republic France
Mark Wilson (Durham) Little worlds within the camps: intimate space and oral histories of Jewish internment in Vichy FranceSara Barker (Leeds) Name translation in early modern French news pamphlets: considerations and approaches.Patrick Valiquet (Huddersfield) Daniel Charles, Vocality and Forgetting, 1958-1980 Will Clement (Oxford) Disaster photography, international media, and Bonapartist self-fashioning after the Great Floods of 1856
 Maxim Hoffmann (Ghent) Public and secret intimacy. Foreign queen consorts at the French courtKristin Soulliere (Florida) Translations of Self in Simone de Beauvoir’s Letters to Nelson Algren Martin Simpson (UWE) Nightmares on Wax: The Musée Républicain Affair in Toulouse (1883)

12.15 – 13.15  Catered Lunch – Roscoe Foyer

Attendees are invited to take their lunches to Roscoe 1.009 for the AGM. All are invited!

13.30 – 14.45  Plenary address: Clémentine Vidal Naquet (Université de Picardie Jules Verne), ‘Correspondances conjugales et partage de l’intime pendant la Grande Guerre

Chair: Laure Humbert. Samuel Alexander Lecture Theatre

14.45 – 15.00 Coffee break – Roscoe Foyer

15.00 – 16.30  Concurrent Panels, Session E

Roscoe 1.001 Roscoe 1.003Roscoe 1.007Roscoe 2.10
E1. 16th-century letters and papers: in honour of R.J.Knecht (1926-2023) Chair: Sara Barker (Leeds)E2. The intimacy of celebrity culture     Chair: Bertrand Taithe (Manchester)  E3. Welfare in XXe France     Chair: Laure Humbert (Manchester)E4. Economic Intimacies: Networks and Family   Chair: Alexia Yates (Manchester)
Mark Greengrass (Sheffield) ‘The death of Charles IX (1574), lived through the papers of Gaspard Simiane de Gordes’Jessica Wardhaugh (Warwick) The illusion of intimacy: politics, celebrity and material culture in Fin-de-siècle FranceChloé Pastourel (Clermont Auvergne) Faire une histoire intime de la philanthropie américaine: Étude des « ego-documents » du Comité Américain des Régions Dévastées (1918-1924)Niccolo Valmori (EUI) Economic intimacies: identity and self-representation across the merchant world during the Age of revolutions  
David Potter (Kent) ‘The Letters of Francis I project’Holly Grout (Alabama) And Who Created B.B.?: Brigitte Bardot and the Intimate Work of CelebrityOwen Coughlan (Oxford) “I heard him let out a cry of pain”: workplace accidents, medical expertise, and sensory solidarity in interwar FranceLeonard (Lenny) Hodges (Birkbeck) Keeping up with the Carvalhos: Power, Money, and Family between Eighteenth-Century India and France
Penny Roberts (Warwick) What a prince carries in his stockings: intimacy and death in sixteenth-century FranceJulie Kalman (Monash) René Goscinny and the Asterix Series: Imagined IntimacyOlivia Cocking (Emory) “Isolement qui allait de pair avec une très grande confiance à l’Aide Sociale à l’Enfance”: Child Welfare and Migration in France After EmpireGill Stewart (Glasgow) The effect of the death of the breadwinner on the remaining family: a study of Nancy, France in the 1890s  

16.30    Departures