Regular Features

French History @IHR (managed by the seminar co-convenors) The Modern French History seminar series has been running for many years at the IHR on Mondays at 17h30-19h. For those living out of London who cannot make it to the seminar, this regular feature summarises the latest seminar invitations and discussions, and as of June 2020 also hosts the virtual seminars.

Feature Archive (managed by Will Rispin with multiple contributors) A researcher discusses an archive which they have used: from national archives to departmental archives, from archives in France to archives in America, from oral history to conducting their own interviews. They share logistical information about the archives, but also insights into the material that could interest others.

Contemporary Reflections (multiple contributors) From Brexit to terror to Calais to Macron, French historians have brilliantly contributed to this blog by reflecting on some of the most controversial debates and questions of our time. This collection of posts, aside from giving us new insights into current affairs, reminds us of the impact historians can have on current debates and affairs.

Historians in Lockdown: Covid Diaries (multiple contributors) The coronavirus crisis in 2020 has drastically changed the picture of present and future work for academics. As historians, how are we experiencing this period, as individuals and also as lecturers and/or researchers? This series aims to share some voices as we navigate the new terrain of virtual teaching, working from home, care responsibilities and ongoing research projects and deadlines.



Teaching / Teaching Sources How do young researchers think about their teaching duties and administrative workloads? How do you teach French history to people who cannot speak French? What sources do we use, and what methods do we have to generate enthusiasm?  Follow these posts where French historians share their thoughts, trials and tribulations.

Applying for Jobs Whether you are still doing a PhD or are already an Early Career Researcher on a temporary contract, you probably know that launching your career in academia can be as exciting and fulfilling as it can be terrifying and heartbreaking. We give insights into applications, interview techniques, publications and real postdoc experiences.

Writing and Publishing  The process of writing, for a minority, is seamless, quick and inspiring. For a large majority, it is full of hurdles, from procrastination to writer’s block to rigorous scheduling and middle-of-the-night panic attacks. It’d be nice to share some of these experiences and tips, wouldn’t it? And some tips on publishing, too, whilst we’re at it.

Conference, Workshops and Events is a space where you can find CFPs, reports on conferences and workshops, announcements for journal issues, seminars and a range of other events in Britain but also in France.

ASMCF/SSFH Postgrad Study Day This annual event is key in highlighting the new work of young scholars, but also of creating networks and contacts which can help postgraduates develop their research, publication and career plans.



Precarity (managed by Ellen Crabtree) Two post-doc scholars reflect on the topic of precarity in academia. 

Under the Spotlight (managed by Ellen Crabtree) Each month we interview one French historian. From intellectual inspirations to favourite foods, find out what French historians are thinking, reading, and who they are inviting to their fantasy dinner parties.

Voices of ECRs (managed by Charlotte Faucher) This interview series looks exclusively at postgrads and their lives in – and a little bit beyond – academia. Crucially, it discusses how doctoral researchers have left academia and ventured into a range of other projects, finding intellectual and personal fulfilment beyond the space of the university campus. A breath of fresh air.

New Directions in Research and Methods In September 2015, a group of postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers came together to discuss the methodological hurdles of their own research, and reflected on the future of French historical research. Here, we follow the conversation in different workshop settings and with new participants. 

Thinking about Research Our research leads to publications (well, that is generally the aim). Publications in peer-review journals and books and edited volumes. But our research also generates many other questions and thoughts, sometimes about the field more broadly, and sometimes about the doodles in the margins of archival documents. 

Historians, Social Media and the Internet When do you throw social media in the mix of your academic pursuits? Can social media be used by historians to reinforce transnational intellectual networks? What else is it used for, and how does the broader use of the internet and technology affect our research? 

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