New Logo Consultation
The committee has commissioned a new logo for the Society, and is keen to solicit the views of its members. The current logo is good, though overly complicated and multi-tonal. This makes it very difficult when it comes to applying the logo to posters, publications and anything where it needs to be more adaptable. As such, we are looking to simplify the logo, and ensure we have a range of adaptable image files. The current logo is a progression of the older, rougher image that was in use, as you can see here:
As such, we asked the designer to work on the basis of producing a simpler, more adaptable logo.
We consulted the membership and received a number of responses. These have been summarised HERE.
We will attempt to incorporate as much feedback as possible from our members, though obviously we have a large and diverse membership. We very much value your input, and will collate responses to give our designer. We will update the membership when we have moved forward with the design.
Thank you for your input!
The first stage of our consultation is now closed. Thank you for your input.
Results can be viewed HERE