The 2017 SSFH Annual Conference
The Society for the Study of French History held its 31st annual conference at the University of Strathclyde from 26th-27th June 2017.
Theme: France, Europe and the World
The history of France has been profoundly shaped by its European and global entanglements. Whether through its diplomatic and military engagements, colonial encounters, cultural and intellectual exchanges, or the interconnections of trade and commerce, the porous and fluid nature of France’s borders have brought a complex range of influences upon France’s history. As the role and status of France within Europe and the wider world changed, so did perceptions and representations of France.
This conference seeks to explore French history from international, transnational and global perspectives and invites speakers to reconsider the significance and relevance of the nation state. We invite participants to interpret the conference theme in its broadest terms.
In addition to the conference theme, we also invite papers or panels on any aspect of French history from the early medieval to the contemporary period and we welcome contributions that reflect the broad diversity of the history of France and its former colonial empire.
We invite proposals for 20 minute papers in English or in French on any aspect of the conference theme. Proposals for panels of two or three papers are particularly welcome. We particularly invite contributions from postgraduate students and overseas scholars. Paper proposals should comprise a paper title, abstract of 300 words and a one-page CV in a single pdf file.
Invited speakers included:
Professor Robert Gildea (Oxford), Marie-Laure Legay (Lille 3), Professor John Merriman (Yale), and Sophie Wahnich (CNRS).
The conference programme is available here.
Past Annual Conferences:
32nd Annual Conference at University of Warwick.
Theme: Political Economy and Cultures of Inequality
[conference programme and details]
31st Annual Conference at University of Strathclyde.
Theme: France, Europe, and the World
[conference programme and details]
30th Annual Conference at the University of Chichester
Theme: High and Low Culture: Elite and Popular Constructions
[conference programme and details]
29th Annual Conference at University of St Andrews.
Theme: Turning Points in French History
[conference programme and details]
28th Annual Conference at St John’s College, Durham, from 10-12 July 2014.
Theme: Theme: History and the Senses
[conference programme and details]
27th Annual Conference at Cardiff University, Sunday 30 June to Tuesday 2 July 2013.
Theme: Solidarities, Entanglements and Conflict in French History.
[conference programme]
26th Annual Conference at King’s Manor, University of York, 1-3 July 2012.
Theme: France and Its Neighbours: Towards a Transnational History
[conference programme] [watch video of plenary speakers]
25th Annual Conference at Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, 14-15 July 2011.
Theme: Celebrating France
[conference overview] [draft programme].
24th Annual Conference at Newcastle University on 27-29 June 2010.
[Programme] [Abstract]
23rd Annual Conference at Trinity College Dublin, 29-30 June 2009
[Programme] [Conference Website]
22nd Annual Conference at the University of Aberystwyth, 3-4 July 2008
[Programme] [Abstract]
21st Annual Conference at the University of St Andrews, 1-3 July 2007
[Programme] [Conference Website]
20th Annual Conference at the University of Sussex, 3-4 July 2006
[Programme] [Abstract]
19th Annual Conference at the University of Southampton, 4-5 July 2005
[Programme] [Abstract]
18th Annual Conference at the University of Warwick, 1-2 April 2004
[Programme] [Abstract]
17th Annual Conference at the University of Nottingham, 10-11 April 2003
[Programme] [Abstract]
16th Annual Conference
2002 Programme
15th Annual Conference
2001 Programme
14th Annual Conference
2000 Programme
1st Annual Conference at the University of Liverpool, April 1987.
Theme: ‘The Growth of the French State’.