The SSFH Annual Conference
The Society for the Study of French History
2018 Annual Conference
‘Political Economy and Cultures of Inequality’
University of Warwick
9-10 July 2018
Public concerns about inequality have grown in recent years. They do so at a time when historians are turning their attention increasingly to political economy. Thomas Piketty’s Le capital au XXI siècle (2013) has been especially influential in sparking debates over the history of inequality and political economy, and it is to these debates that this conference seeks to contribute. How have political and economic cultures come together to create, reinforce or contest inequality? How has inequality been conceptualised in France and the francophone world? And what impact have wealth inequalities had on politics and culture? In engaging with these themes, participants should feel free to interpret them in the broadest possible terms.
Invited speakers include:
Michael Kwass (Johns Hopkins University), Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel (Sciences Po) and Jackie Clarke (University of Glasgow). There will also be a round-table on the conference theme as well as a special panel in honour of seiziémiste Mack Holt and another in memory of Richard Bonney, a founding member of the Society and founding editor of the associated journal, French History.
Organising committee: Pierre Purseigle, Penny Roberts and Charles Walton:
The Society for the Study of French History
Colloque Annuel 2018
« Economie politique et cultures des inégalités »
University of Warwick
9-10 juillet 2018
La question des inégalités a pris, ces dernières années, une place de choix dans le débat public. Les historiens, quant à eux, portent un intérêt croissant à l’économie politique. La publication du livre de Thomas Piketty, Le capital au XXIème siècle (2013), a provoqué un vif débat sur les approches historiques des inégalités auquel ce colloque entend contribuer. De quelle manière l’économie comme les cultures politiques s’articulent-elles pour créer, renforcer ou dénoncer les inégalités ? Comment la question des inégalités a-t-elle été conceptualisée en France et dans l’espace francophone? Quel impact la répartition inégalitaire des richesses a-t-elle eu sur la vie politique et culturelle? Nous encourageons les participants à interpréter ce thème aussi librement qu’ils le souhaitent.
Conférences plénières données par:
Michael Kwass (Johns Hopkins University), Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel (Sciences Po) and Jackie Clarke (University of Glasgow).
Comité d’organisation: Pierre Purseigle, Penny Roberts et Charles Walton:
Past Annual Conferences:
32nd Annual Conference at University of Warwick.
Theme: Political Economy and Cultures of Inequality
[conference programme and details]
31st Annual Conference at University of Strathclyde.
Theme: France, Europe, and the World
[conference programme and details]
30th Annual Conference at University of Chichester.
Theme: High and Low Culture
[conference programme and details]
29th Annual Conference at University of St Andrews.
Theme: Turning Points in French History
[conference programme and details]
28th Annual Conference at St John’s College, Durham, from 10-12 July 2014.
Theme: History and the Senses
[conference programme and details]
27th Annual Conference at Cardiff University, Sunday 30 June to Tuesday 2 July 2013.
Theme: Solidarities, Entanglements and Conflict in French History.
[conference programme]
26th Annual Conference at King’s Manor, University of York, 1-3 July 2012.
Theme: France and Its Neighbours: Towards a Transnational History
[conference programme] [watch video of plenary speakers]
25th Annual Conference at Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, 14-15 July 2011.
Theme: Celebrating France
[conference overview] [draft programme].
24th Annual Conference at Newcastle University on 27-29 June 2010.
[Programme] [Abstract]
23rd Annual Conference at Trinity College Dublin, 29-30 June 2009
[Programme] [Conference Website]
22nd Annual Conference at the University of Aberystwyth, 3-4 July 2008
[Programme] [Abstract]
21st Annual Conference at the University of St Andrews, 1-3 July 2007
[Programme] [Conference Website]
20th Annual Conference at the University of Sussex, 3-4 July 2006
[Programme] [Abstract]
19th Annual Conference at the University of Southampton, 4-5 July 2005
[Programme] [Abstract]
18th Annual Conference at the University of Warwick, 1-2 April 2004
[Programme] [Abstract]
17th Annual Conference at the University of Nottingham, 10-11 April 2003
[Programme] [Abstract]
16th Annual Conference
2002 Programme
15th Annual Conference
2001 Programme
14th Annual Conference
2000 Programme
1st Annual Conference at the University of Liverpool, April 1987.
Theme: ‘The Growth of the French State’.