Society Workshops
Queries, applications, and reports should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society:
Dr. Andrew Smith
Department of History, ArtsTwo
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Rd
Mile End
E1 4NS
Previous Workshops:
Fortune, pouvoir, et croyance : l’Eglise en France aux XVI-XVIIe siècles
[Wealth, Power and Belief. The Church in France in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries]
Un Atelier de Recherches à l’Honneur du Professeur Joseph Bergin FBA
27-28 September 2013 [programme]
Burdens: Opportunities: Expectations: Political Legacies in Post-Revolutionary France:
An International Workshop in Honour of Professor Malcolm Crook.
La Maison Française d’Oxford – Monday 24 January 2011. [details]