French History @IHR: Jonathan Smyth on Revelation & Revolution in France 1730-1830

Date and Place: Monday 27th January 2019 in the Chadwick Building, UCL Speaker: Jonathan Smyth (Birkbeck) Paper Title: Revelation & Revolution in France 1730-1830 Chair: Andrew WM Smith In this wide-ranging paper, Jonathan Smyth explored his new project building on his previous book Robespierre and the Festival of the Supreme Being (Manchester University Press, 2018). […]
Intimate relationships: historians, the past, and their subjects
In this fourth post in a series of reflections on the New Directions in French History Conference in London in September, Laura O’Brien (Lecturer, Northumbria University) addresses questions of how historians relate to their subjects. I’m sure that my colleagues and students are bored to tears with my tendency of late to preface conversation with: ‘I was at […]