French History @IHR: Science, Medicine and Empire

In our next seminar at the IHR, we discuss SCIENCE, MEDICINE AND EMPIRE with Sarah Arens (St Andrews) and Aro Velmet (University of Southern California). View their papers in advance below, and join us for a live discussion on Monday, 16 November 2020, 5:30PM – 6:30PM (London time) . The session will be chaired by Robert Priest (RHUL).

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Sarah Arens (St Andrews) on “Guided by Science”? Agriculture, Botany, and Control in the Belgian Congo. Sarah Arens is a British Academy postdoctoral fellow working on a project titled ‘Constructing a Geopolitics of Nationhood: Belgium’s Scientific and Cultural Colonial Project (1830-1858)’.

Aro Velmet (University of Southern California) on Vaccine trials and the politics of imperial infrastructure: The case of the Dakar yellow fever vaccine. Aro Velmet is assistant professor of History and has just published Pasteur’s Empire: Bacteriology and Politics in France, Its Colonies, and the World.

To view our full programme, go to our IHR seminar page. If you wish to join our mailing list, please contact Ludivine Broch ( or Charlotte Faucher ( directly.


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